A (fake) e-book shop, made in PHP and Laravel. Minimal design, to focus on the functionality. Work in progress.
I'm a junior front-end developer with a few years of web integration experience under my belt, currently looking for a permanent position. My passion is to help purpose-driven organisations increase their impact through technology.
I'm steadily expanding my skills into front-end (and back-end) territories. To be fair, most of the following are just exercises, since this is part of my transition.
A (fake) e-book shop, made in PHP and Laravel. Minimal design, to focus on the functionality. Work in progress.
A simple (fake) pizza order shop, made in vanilla PHP.
A very basic starter kit in plain PHP. MVC structure. For when a full framework is overkill.
Generated lines in a circle, using the P5.js library. For fun and beauty.
A dice game in plain JavaScript, OOP style.
A one player version of the game Battleship, in plain JS. Just the positioning of ships.
Designing websites was my original motivation in my professional journey. Out of curiosity, I started to want to know how they work behind de scenes. Before long, I was reading source code and crafting web pages by hand in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Many of them for Vertige asbl. I've also built a couple of WordPress websites. This experience has definitely helped sharpen my UI/UX and HTML/CSS skills.
Puppet theater website. Photography, design and HTML integration
Website to facilitate bike trips in Belgium.
A musician's portfolio website.
The choreography department's blog. Design, HTML, WordPress integration.
Design and HTML integration
Design and HTML integration
Design and HTML integration for Vertige.
Artisan's portfolio website. Logo, design and HTML integration.
I'm actively looking to be part of a development team, for collaboration on front-end web development. No freelancing.
I'm currently living in Brussels, Belgium. I'm fluent in: